Passions, Desires and Fear

“Nothing great comes in life without sacrfice”. A phrase that many millenials have ignored in the last few years. In todays world, any craft you are curious of, is just a matter of 1 “click”away from it and your WILL to its max. Internet has really become an excellent and powerfull source of information and eduacation. But there is a little trick here; a very sneaky and dangerous one, ADD AND ADDICTION of SOCIAL MEDIA is everywhere! And controlling it is not easy...but why? Because every “beep” of notification is a dose of dopamine to our brains, and that is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. I mention this because we lose so much time just starring at a screen doing absolutely nothing, when we could be learning a new language, spiritualism, other cultures, a new sport or hobbie, READING A BOOK, an so many other productive stuff. If you sit around waiting for it to just come.. time will pass and when you realize it your 30-40 years old and you havent mastered a single craft in life, because you wasted your time being lazy in front of your phone, drinking, sniffing and going to sleep at 5 am? My personal believe.. is a huge DISRESPECT towards LIFE and your OWN SPIRIT.

Have you ever being passionate about something? That desire so big that flows through your veins about how much you want to be the best version that you can about it, trying to understand it and become better with every passing day? If you have this synthoms then you probably suffer from A LOT OF ANXIETY. We become obsessed; when we are sleeping, or just mellowing through the day and cant stop thinking about it. The sensation becomes so annoying you have to pack a bowl medicate yourself to relief the stress that bangs inside of your brain? And What about MULTIPASSIONS? These ones could be total oposites and with absolutely nothing related to each other, but at the same time everything.

As millenials, we no longer seek happiness and success covered in comfort and routine; the 9-5 jobs are senseless and life sucking, repeating the same situations and moments over and over again,without leaving you any positive teaching, leading you to a robotic flow.
Realizing this is not enough, because now you have to work twice as hard and feel the need to prove yourself, that you certainly are a free spirit.
So now ask this; would you evolve more living different situations, schedules and social interactions day by day, or the same routine, people and environment every day? The answer will be very obvious right?
This doesnt mean we dont have to go through it, beacuse we actually do. It is necessary to be part of the system, to learn things teachers dont teach you in school... REAL LIFE. Responsability, dealing with pressure, puntality, being organized and following orders, and so many more. But the most important reason, to be able to understand WHY you feel you dont belong there, and then pursuing your true path, after you suck all knowledege possible out of the system, just like a sponge. The mission is to be in control of your own life, thoughts, decisions and just being HAPPY.

I personally think the key to get there are 2 crucial aspects; the 1st one is FINDING YOUR GIFT and PASSION. It may sound easy, but did you know that more than half of worldwide adult population dies without discovering their special hability called GIFT that was handled to them by the UNIVERSE. To be able to know yourself and accept who you are, that is the thoughest challenge of all to go through,spending time ALONE. Getting wrapped in solitude can be extremely overwhelming for a lot of people, but WHY? Has society brainwashed us to make us feel like we need constant approval and human interactions?

Did you knew that the ONLY moment of our lives where we grow up and mature as human beings, is when we are alone?. You start reflecting about who you are and your way through life. I felt it was important to me to explain this beacuse it is essential to understand your mind beofre releasing your trueself and THE CREATIVE PROCESS up and running.

In between all of our different stages of life, it comes the main reason of comformism and lack of aspirations. That one that killed more dreams than the “Fuhrer” ever did; FEAR. Why? Because we all may get to that point where the only way to go higher to the next step, is jumping... and when you have to jump, your legs shake, feel your bones aching of how scared you can get, plus the overwhelming sensation of “what if it doesnt work?” . And right there... is where lots of people backs off and get in the comfort and safety zone......... and here is where I tell you DONT!!!!!!!!!! JUMP!!!!!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!by doing this you will NEVER FAIL... only learn. You have no idea how many people told me while I was growing up how I could not be a chef and have time to have a life too.... and that was always my fuel... inside of me I was like...”aja?... wanna See how I will do it” … and still today... I still say the same... Being a Chef and a Surfer... is like Ying-Yang... totally oposites.. but if you manage to really understand the situation, they are actually very close to each other, helping me maintaining a balance between JOB and LIFE.

But what is fear? And how does it manifest itself? Recognizing the signs are essential, because after you are “aware” of it, then you can work on defeating the barrier. Stereotypes of how we should live our lives constantly banging the corners of our subconscious, telling us what to think, wear, say and do, and again... WHY do we end up listening to them on the long run?
I am saying this because, as human beings, we are brainwashed everyday of our lives. This means our brain adapts itself to the environment where is exposed. It starts from the day we are born until we die, but how is this relevant to the subject we are talking about? Because how we live our lives is 100% up to us, and we are brainwashed everyday, why dont we spend more time brainwashing ourselves, reading more books, having meaningful conversations instead of so much small talk. But most important, be around people that wants to see you be always better, that supports and brings out the best of of you.

Do not let fear beat you... Stop noticing the obstacles and observe the goal, and go for it... NEVER GIVE UP.....MUCH LOVE TO ALL....

PD: I write this blog to explore my emotions and thoughts and hoping to be able to help along the way with my experiences. I dedicate a lot of time on writing this because every entry explores very important aspects of how my life getst affected by it.